Contact Lenses Exams

At Mount Vernon Eye Care, We fit contact lenses for nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. During contact lens evaluations, our doctors take measurements to determine the best fit and correction for your eyes. First time contact lens wearers are taught the correct way to insert, remove, clean and handle contact lenses. If you already wear contact lens, our doctors will evaluate your eyes to ensure that your corneas are getting adequate oxygen and moisture levels to avoid long term complications. They will advise you of the proper steps to take if there are any problems or complications found.

Contact lenses can be made from a number of various materials and fall into either soft or hard (rigid) categories. Contact lenses can be worn on a variety of schedules. Most are designed to be removed and cleaned daily. Others can be worn overnight. Contact lenses can be replaced on a daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly or yearly basis. You and your doctor will determine the most suitable wearing schedule for you.

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Patients who wear contacts lenses are susceptible to oxygen loss to their corneas and the growth of blood vessels called neovascularization. Contact lens wearers are also more prone to dry and red eyes that begin at a very low grade and progress if left untreated.

If our doctors feels the contact lenses you are currently wearing are allowing your ocular surface to maintain good health, they will renew your prescription. If there is any signs of damage, they will recommend an alternate contact lens for you.

  • Place a contact lens on a tip of your finger to make a cup.
  • Hold the lens in front of your eye so you can see the side of the cup.
  • If the edges of the cup point straight upward, contact lens is not upside down.
  • If the edges of the cup rounded or curved, contact lens is upside down.

  • Do not panic! Your contact lens will not get stuck behind your eyeball.
  • You contact lens might have dried out. Apply rewetting drops to get your eyes lubricated.
  • Determine a location of the contact lens.
  • Close your eyes and carefully massage your upper lid until you get your contact lens move.
  • Repeat steps 2-4 if necessary.
  • See your eye doctor if you cannot get the contact lens move after several attempts..

  • Use oil-free makeup.
  • Put contact lenses on before you apply makeup.
  • Use non-allergenic makeup.
  • Remove makeup after you remove contact lenses.
  • Thoroughly clean your non-daily contact lenses after removing them or use daily contact lenses.