Contact Lenses

Hard Contact Lenses

hard contact lenses

Hard or rigid gas permeable (RGP) are made of a very strong plastic that transmits oxygen. RGP are smaller in diameter than soft contact lenses, and require a little more adaptation time.


  • They provide a sharper vision especially for the people with high refractive errors.
  • They will not dehydrate your eyes.
  • They will deliver more oxygen to your eyes.
  • They will less likely contain protein deposits from absorbing tears.
  • They are easier to handle.
  • They last longer than soft contact lenses.


  • Initially, they are not as comfortable as soft contact lenses.
  • They require extra care to clean and disinfect.
  • They may not the best choice for kids. Kids tend not to be compliant with cleaning and disinfecting of RGP.
  • It may take more time to get RGP lenses since are made individually for each patient.

If you are new to contact lenses or need a refresher please see video instruction below how insert and remove hard contact lenses

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